Michael Baker is focused on the engineering, science and environmental aspects of surface water. We possess the highest level of expertise in the research and implementation areas of surface water, as well as in the practical application of solutions to management challenges. Our breadth of services and extensive understanding of the surface water world from the public, private and regulatory perspectives provides clients with timely, cost-effective and value-added solutions.
Related Services
- 2D Hydraulic Analysis
- Alluvial Channel Design
- Alluvial Fan Hydraulics
- Arid Lands Hydrology
- Construction Plan Preparation
- Construction Specification Preparation
- Construction Support
- Dam and Detention Basin Routing/Design
- Dam Break Analysis
- Dam Inspection/Dam Rehabilitation/Construction Management
- Debris and Sediment Yield
- Ecosystem Restoration/Wetlands Permitting
- Erosion Control
- Erosion Control Bridge Scour Assessment
- Fish Passage
- Flood Damage Assessment
- Flood Management Engineering
- Floodplain Management Program
- Hydraulic Modeling and Visualization
- Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling
- Levee/Dam Design
- Natural Treatment System (NTS) Basin Design
- Outlet Scour Protection Channel Stabilization
- Regional Flood Protection Systems
- Regional Frequency Analysis
- Riparian/Wetland Design
- Sediment Transport Studies
- Storm Drain Facility Design
- Stream Bank Protection
- Stream Restoration
- Urban Drainage Facilities
- Watershed/Stream Corridor Planning
- Watershed Management/Implementation Plans